2014年10月3日 星期五

SPD4459 Yau Tsim Mong Food Taste Walker 油尖旺 試食行者 - Yummy Tung Tat Food Shop 油尖旺美食之通達食店的確好味

P.S. 第一集短片介紹完馳名油尖旺既人氣肥姐小食店。。。各讀者睇第二篇之前可以先睇返第一篇Mklababy同安丁丁先 再繼續收看以下內容:)
Yau Tsim Mong Food - Yummy Tung Tat Food Shop 油尖旺美食之通達食店的確好味

Tung Tat Food Shop is a Hong Kong snack’s food shop who’s been making Hongkonger’s feeling very happy. On a busy day, Mklababy had a lunch in Mong Kok but she felt not really hungry, so she chose to eat snacks in Tung Tat Food Shop.

She ordered fish shaomai, stuffed green pepper and greaves noodles.

“It is too horrible! The green pepper is oily.” She said.

“But it tastes really delicious and succulent!!!!!“ she shouted.

Also, the fish shaomai was perfectly flavored by sweet soy sauce that made it awesome.

The most attractive food in Tung Tat Food Shop is greaves noodles Every customers who get into Tung Tat Food Shop must order this noodle especially Mklababy.

Firstly, Mklababy smelled the odour of shallots and spicy dried radishes which are on the top of the noodles. It is really good because the noodle contains a lot of ingredients,  shallots and spicy dried radishes set off the noodle. (Beware… don't eat too much because it is too fat.)
第一,Mklababy 嗅一下湯面上蔥花及菜甫的香味。她覺得油渣面好就係在於有好多配料, 因為蔥花及菜甫能夠襯托油渣面。

After eating these delicious and special snacks in Tung Tat Food Shop, she went back to work immediately.

But…one interesting thing was happened. On ding ding brushed past Mklababy when he getting into Tung Tat Food Shop… Mklababy and On ding ding did not see each other. An expectant moment appear, On ding ding ordered exactly the same food as Mkalababy such as fish shaomai, green pepper and greaves noodles. At this time fate have not yet occurred, but one fine day would come true... to be continue...

Tung Tat Food Shop 通達食店
Address: G/F, 172 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok , Hong Kong 
TEL 電話: 2392 3043 
TIME營業時間 : 星期一至日: 07:00-21:00

Taste 味道
Reasonable level of Price抵食指數
Written by Veaky
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Yau Tsim Mong Food and Beverage

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