2014年10月8日 星期三

SPD4459 Yau Tsim Mong District Food & Beverage 試食行者 - Love grows in Sweet Tooth 愛在甜牙牙中萌芽

SPD4459 Yau Tsim Mong District Food & Beverage 
~油尖旺試食行者 - Love grows in Sweet Tooth 愛在甜牙牙中萌芽~

“Stop!” A brave voice shouted and someone caught the arm of USB swiftly and powerfully. Who saved On ding ding?

She is Mklababy! Unbelievable! Her agility made USB arise the feeling of qualm, and thus USB left with resentful eye.
原來是Mklababy! 佢敏捷的身手似乎令USB有所顧慮,USB向安丁丁投向敵意的眼神並轉身離開。

“I… don’t understand... Why did you help me? ...... Don't you hate me?” On ding ding asked with a doubtful face. “Don't you understand? If you have any accident, who will treat me a meal? Don’t waste my time! I am hungry now, let’s treat me with afternoon tea.”Mklababy said.

「我唔明點解你會幫我嘅?你唔係好憎我嘅咩?」安丁丁一面疑惑咁問Mklababy。「你唔係咁都唔明呀?你出左事,邊個請我食野呀? 廢話少講!我好肚餓呀,快啲請我去食下午茶。」

Mklababy and On ding ding passed through a dessert-shop “Sweet Tooth”, the big poster drew their attention. They went in the shop which has an elegant environment and is decorated with European style.

Mklababy feels that the seat is a bit narrow, but she forgot it quickly because she was fully attracted by the delicate dessert on the menu. Mklababy ordered Chocolate waffle burger, which has three layers with cream and strawberry in between. There are three flavors vanilla, green tea and chocolate. The waffle has rich chocolate flavor, soft texture and a dry body. It is better to put waffle and ice cream into the mouth as the same time. For the ice cream, chocolate one is the best because of the strong fragrant smell, on the other hand, the flavor of green tea compared poorly.


On ding ding ordered Red bean green tea serradura with green tea ice cream。It looks perfect, the serradura is soft with light taste. Like Chocolate waffle burger, the flavor of green tea ice cream is rick and aromatic enough, however, the sweet red beans make this everything balance. 安丁丁點了紅豆綠茶木糠布丁批配綠茶雪糕。賣相相當吸引,木糠布丁軟綿綿,口味較淡,同朱古力窩夫層層疊雪雪堡一樣,綠茶雪糕味道不濃郁,紅豆微甜,份量剛好,整個甜品的甜度適中,十分平衡。

Dessert is similar with magic which is relaxing and intoxicating. The most important thing is, they make the relationship between Mklababy and On ding ding closer.

Sweet Tooth 甜牙牙
Address: Shop 4, G/F, Paradise Square, 3 Kwong Wah Street, Mong Kok
Tel no.電話 : 2171 4913
Open Time: Sun-Thu: 14:00-01:00; Fri-Sat, before holidays14:00-01:30
開放時間: 星期日至四: 14:00-01:00; 星期五、六及假期前夕:14:00-01:30

Taste 味道
Reasonable level of Price抵食指數
Accessibility 交通便利性

Posted by Winnie Yau
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Yau Tsim Mong District Food and Beverage

4 則留言:

  1. wow!! 好似好好食咁喎!!
    mk同ssp 咁近,得閒睇下ssp 有咩好野食啦!!

  2. Your Blog is really entertaining ^^
    We are writing a blog about Yau Tsim Mong Cafe, plz visit us sometimes~Thx


  3. WA,,,好似好正咁WOR,,,食飽飽係時候去行下街喇@@""

