2014年11月5日 星期三

SPD4459 Yau Tsim Mong District Food & Beverage –五代同糖(上集)

On Ding Ding received Sir Wong's call and recognized that USB would appear in Friemily in Mongkok.

On ding ding followed USB's steps... they walked through many streets from Yau Ma Tei to Mongkok... Finally, USB really walked into a dessert shop called --- FRIEMILY!!!
安丁丁跟住USB, 佢地行左好多條街...由油麻地去到旺角....最後, USB真係行左入左間糖水店--- 五代同糖!!!

Friemily waslocated in No.38 Shan Tung Street, Mong Kok which was famous with its own home made dessert. USB walked in the store and lost suddenly... 

On Ding Ding looked around and sat down front to the entrance window silently.
He was wondered about where did USB go.... He investigated the environment of the store and had a sparkling idea --- "The inside kitchen of the store was a Drug Manufacturing Factory"!
安丁丁周圍望跟住靜靜地坐左係入口近 個位
佢一路監察舖頭嘅 環境,...佢突然間有個idea!!!

On ordered some dessert in order to cover other's curiosity

Firstly, he ordered the coconuts with egg white. This dessert smelt good and the texture is smooth. Every taste could feel the flavor of coconuts, very good!
首先 , 佢叫左椰皇燉蛋白。 呢款甜品用真既椰黃加上蛋白一齊燉,除左好香又幼滑外 , 每一啖都有淡淡既椰子香 , 非常好味 !

The next dessert was Molten Chocolate Cakes, which was one of the famous dessert in五代同糖. The outer layer was crispy, the amount of liquid chocolate are enough. This was most suitable for the fans of chocolate!
第二款甜品係朱古力心太軟 , 亦係五代同堂既招牌甜品之一 心太軟經過焗後表面變得香脆,而內面既朱古力流心份量都好多 , 朱古力迷吾可以錯過

The next dessert was Pudding, which had 6 pieces in a box. All of them were contained in the eggshell, and the taste was full with the taste of cream, which made the taste very delicious.
第三款甜品係雞蛋布丁 , 一盒有六個 , 每一個都係由蛋殼裝住 , 賣相特別。 而布丁有濃濃既奶油味, 令味道又豐富。

The last dessert was Green Tea Ice. In this dessert, there were some marshmallows and coconuts etc. The taste are outstanding with these ingredients.
最後一款甜品係綠茶雪花冰。 當中加入棉花糖 , 椰果 等等既配料 , 令食落口既口感更多層次。 呢款甜品最岩鍾意綠茶既朋友 ~

東京站 章魚小丸子
Address: No.38 Shan Tung Street, Mong Kok.
Open Time: Monday-Sunday

Taste 味道
Resonable level of Price抵食指數
Accessibility 交通便利性

Posted by Rose Ho and Heyse Fong 
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Yau Tsim Mong District Food and Beverage

