and On ding ding went to Mongkok as usual, Mklababy found that there were lots
of Sanrio decorations.
took photo from this floor to next floor. Suddenly, something made her shocked.
Twin Stars Pop-up Café!」Mklababy驚呼,佢拖住安丁丁咗間餐廳。
Twin Stars Pop-up Café!”Mklababy screamed and walked into the restaurant.
has limited choices on the menu.
安丁丁點咗蒜香蕃茄辣蝦扁意粉 ($98)。扁意粉咬落有少少硬身,有啲啲辣,做得幾入味,蝦夠大隻,不是新鮮彈口的感覺,但不會又霉又淋,整體不過不失。
On ding ding ordered Prawn linguine with Sundry Tomato,
Garlic & Chili ($98). The linguine was undercooked
which is a bit chewy and a little hard. It is a bit spicy and the
sauce was good. The prawn was big enough. Its texture was neither very springy
nor mushy, so it is okay overall.
Mklababy點咗芒果脆脆窩夫配雲尼拿雪糕 ($88) 。賣相好吸引! 窩夫熱辣辣出爐,好鬆脆,雪糕溶溶地,夾埋窩夫一齊,一冷一熱好得意。而芒果甜中帶點酸,好清新。
Mklababy ordered
Mango Waffle with Vanilla
Ice-Cream ($88). It looked great. It is delicious to eat the hot and crisp
waffle and the cold ice-cream together. The mango is a bit sour but sweet which
creates a fresh feeling.

came Lala Strawberry & Orange Drink, the flavor was not good.
It is similar with the mixture of strawberry soda and orange soda.

安丁丁嘅KIKI鮮奶咖啡黎啦。拉花拉得好靚! 奶泡細緻,但咖啡香唔夠濃,味道甜咗少少。
Here was KIKI Latte.
Kiki cocoa powder decoration looked beautiful. The foam
is soft and smooth, but the coffee aroma is not strong enough and it was a bit
too sweet.
食完午餐,Mklababy見到門口有不少LITTLE TWIN STARS可以拍照,同埋唔同既Sanrio公仔主題裝飾,佢拍下呢到,拍下個到,佢地就係咁渡過咗愉快嘅一日。
lunch, Mklababy saw the decoration of different Sanrio characters. She took
lots of photo and have a great day with On ding ding.
100 Bites
地點: 旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊10樓21-25號舖
Address: Shop 21-25, Level 10, Langham Place, 8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok
Tel: 2191 6638
Open Hours: Mon to Sun: 14:00 - 22:30
Taste 味道
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Resonable level of Price抵食指數
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Accessibility 交通便利性
Posted by Winnie Yau
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Yau Tsim Mong District Food and Beverage