2014年10月17日 星期五

SPD4459 Yau Tsim Mong District Food & Beverage - The relaxing afternoon in Kubrick - 在Kubrick渡過的悠閒下午

In an afternoon, On Ding Ding followed USB and wanted to find out his criminal evidence.

“Hey, Foohei gor, this time we are ready to do the great business! I just check the goods, very excellent! Great!” USB said.
USB: !,歡喜哥,今次準備食大茶飯,啱啱CHECK左批貨,好靚!掂呀!

“ I am able to find your criminal evidence, haha!” On affirmed.
安丁丁: 今次仲唔比我搵到你D犯罪証據!

After hanging up the phone, USB entered into a beautiful place.
USB收線後回望: !正呀!入去試吓先.

USB entered into a café named Kubrick.
USB入左一間叫Kubrick café,果到環境好優美。

The environment of Kubrick was very beautiful, which was placed with many books. This was not only a café, but also a book store.
周圍有好多書, 原來呢間 cafe唔止係一間café, 仲係一間書店。

In the corner of Kubrick, there was a small photo exhibition for customers to appreciate. This is a suitable place for people to have a rest!
CAFÉ 的某個角落展出左唔同既相片,好有文化氣息,係比人放鬆的好地方

USB ordered some dishes of food. The first dish was the Cheese Pizza, the size of the pizza was thick and 4 types of cheeses are used which are Mozzarella, Feta, Camembert, Parmesan. Therefore, every taste was full of the taste of cheeses.
USB叫左幾款野食,首先就係芝士薄餅,呢款薄餅係即叫即焗,PIZZA略為厚身,用左四款芝士分別係Cheese: MozzarellaFetaCamembertParmesan,所以食落每一啖都充滿芝士既香味


Another dish was Spicy Buffalo Chicken Wings; the hot and sour sauce made the chicken wings became appetizing.

Then a waiter brought a cup of rose coffee, both fresh and full of fragrance of roses either, the sweetness was moderate. Also, the surface of coffee had a latte art with heart-shaped and rose petals, the appearance is very beautiful, very poetic.
然後侍應送上一杯玫瑰咖啡 咖啡充滿住淡淡既清新既玫瑰花香 甜味適中 , 咖啡表面仲有個心形拉花及玫瑰花瓣,  外觀方面非常優美,十分詩情畫意

Finally, USB ordered a cup of coconut ice cream; the ice cream was made by coconut-nectar, coconut meat and coconut milk. The creamy ice cream was mixed with a lot of flesh.
最後仲叫左杯椰子雪糕 , 以椰子蜜和椰子肉並加上椰奶製成 , 香滑的雪糕當中混著不少果肉

After enjoying all the food, USB read the book alone. It was hard to find out that the rude USB had the cultured side.
跟住USB仲攞左本書黎睇 估唔到平時粗粗魯魯的USB都會來呢D咁有文化氣式。

Address : Shop H2, Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square St., Yau Ma Tei, Kln, Hong Kong
地址 : 油麻地眾坊3號駿發花園H2地舖

Tel : 2384 8929
電話 : 2384 892

Opening Time: Mon–Sun-11:30-22:00
營業時間 : 星期一至日-11:30-22:00

Taste 味道
Resonable level of Price抵食指數
Accessibility 交通便利性

      Posted by Rose Ho
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Yau Tsim Mong District Food and Beverage

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